
According to this article, minimalism began in the 1960’s and since has become one of the most controversial artistic styles out there. A reason for that is because the artwork lacks personal expression which was… Continue reading

Drawing Nature

Storify by avp130130 Wed, Oct 23 2013 10:51:48 Drawing Nature I believe that nature is one the most relaxing subjects for art. Also, abstraction allows the process to be more free and draws… Continue reading

Digital Art

Society is moving towards using technology for everything. One of the new fads for art it is being created digitally. Pixar has changed there animation from using traditional cell animation to using computer… Continue reading

Why Make Art?

There are so many reasons for creating art. Greater Good talks about seven different artists and the reasons that they specifically create art. In the article, Gina Gibney says that “creating art brings… Continue reading

Cross Contour

The type of shading method used to create artwork is essential to the overall success of the artwork. One of the best methods of shading to use to create form is cross contour,… Continue reading

Mixed Media Art

Not only does mixed media art allow you to express your creativity, but it also provides you a way for stress relief.One of my favorite techniques is to create textured backgrounds because they add interest to… Continue reading